St+art India Foundation (read start) is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 2014 with the intent of making art more democratic, and for all. By taking art out of the conventional spaces such as museums and galleries, instead embedding it within the spaces we inhabit and navigate everyday. St+art explores the synergy between art and its ability to transcend socio-cultural barriers and lead to exchange of ideas through unique and collectively shared experiences in public space.
Our cities are built of concrete and stone, as entities of function - for life and livelihoods. They exist as inert structures built for thousands of people to traverse through everyday. Would the experience of using the same spaces change with the infusion of art? Was it possible to create spaces that are functional, but also act as interactive cultural centres?
Indian streets are very unique. They are a microcosm of the millions of diverse voices that co-exist in this vast and wonderful nation of ours. They are a vibrant amalgamation of the most diverse activities and transform in to spaces for public gatherings, celebrations and in general, livelihoods. Spaces full of stories and local narratives have existed over hundreds of years, steeped in rich tradition and history. Would enabling artists and urban practitioners in such an environment lead to the creation of meaningful and engaging ideas that resonate with a large set of people?
With an aim of reimagining public spaces through art, while providing a platform for artists to express themselves, the St+art India Foundation was formed in 2014. St+art encourages people to explore their cities in a unique manner by creating alternative cultural spaces - both temporary and permanent.
St+art India Foundation builds cohesive networks between Indian and international artists, enabling a flow of communication and resources, while putting India on the global urban art map. By creating alternate avenues for urban artists to express themselves, St+art has fostered the nascent street art scene in India which has exponentially grown, preserving and presenting an Indian identity which connects with both local and international audiences.
India has had a rich history of vernacular artforms which are slowly fading with the advent of Digital technology. Integrating these age old practices within the context of urban art projects the Foundation enables local artists to preserve their lineage by contemporising their crafts and opening them up to unexplored futures.
With an active engagement with government bodies, St+art works towards building policy around the usage of public space, also being actively involved in programs such as the ‘Smart Cities’ program and the ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’. As an organisation that prides itself on building meaningful partnerships, we work with a host of cultural institutions, Embassies and NGO’s. If you would like to know more, check our our Partners.

Asian Paints has been one of our biggest pillars of support since St+art Mumbai 2014. One of the world’s largest paint companies, Asian Paints involvement with St+art extends far beyond material resources. An active patron of the arts, Asian Paints and its people share our philosophy of #ArtForAll and embedding art in public spaces. We’re proud to work with a partner who so strongly shares our long-term vision, ideology and ethos. From knowledge, resources and efforts in innovation to material resources and enthusiasm, we’re excited to see our partnership with Asian Paints thrive into the future.
One of the main aims of the foundation is to create a common platform for International and local artists. We work alongside various cultural institutes, embassies and consulates, to invite artists from around the world to partake in an artistic cultural exchange through various public art interventions.
If you have ideas on ways we can work together, write to us at
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Our team comprises of dynamic individuals who are curious, tactical and quick learners. Keep and eye out for any openings below. There are many ways you can help.
Full-time positions:
We’re currently looking for the following positions, based out of our Delhi office:-
1) Graphics Designer - Click here to submit your resume and portfolio
Our festivals require a lot of support and we’re always on the lookout for enthusiastic people willing to get their hands dirty... literally. If you’re as excited as we are to meet new artists and assist them, or build festivals and projects together, fill in you volunteer application form here.
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St+art India Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that works on reimagining public spaces through art interventions.