
#WIP: The Street Art Show
Designed as a walk-through experiential exhibition, the ‘#WIP: The Street Art Show’ was hosted in the unconventional space of Inland Container Depot - Tughlakabad (ICD-TKD) for 40 days. 31,200 square feet of ICD was transformed into a walk-through exhibition by using 100 shipping containers, using over 1,000 liters of paint and 20,000 working hours by 25 national and international artists. Through #WIP, we created an art-hub in an unexpected space to offer diverse sectors of society newer experiences, especially to people who were usually excluded from the reach of art. By the end of the project, more than 20,000 visitors had visited the exhibition.

Lodhi Art District
As part of St+art Delhi 2016, the Foundation worked in close collaboration with CPWD to reinvigorate the walls between Khanna Market and Meherchand Market, and to convert Lodhi Colony into India’s first Public Art District. The aim of the project was to work closely with government bodies and the community of Lodhi Colony to create art works in public spaces. By the end of the project in 2016, twenty three murals were added to the area. Today, with fifty six and more artworks, the colony is widely recognized as the first open-air art district of the country and the reception received by it in terms of footfall, the number of tours and walks being organised, photo and video shoots taking place, and an increased sense of community pride amongst its inhabitants encourages us to build on the art district every year.

F(r)iction at Kona
At F(r)iction - an immersive walkthrough experience at a space called Kona in Jor Bagh, 17 Indian and international artists created site-specific installations, videos, interactive multimedia pieces and murals around the interaction and overlap amidst effects of technology, art, culture, and alternate realities to transform the venue of Kona in a parallel universe of ‘frictions and fictions’.

Art Station at Arjan Garh Metro Station
In 2017, the Arjan Garh metro station became the second Art Station in the city of New Delhi. The 'Art Stations’ project is an endeavour to transform transit spaces into walk-through galleries for the public. Done in collaboration with the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), the project is an opportunity to offer road and metro commuters of Delhi a cultural experience through murals in a democratic and accessible way.